Cara of the Artists, by the Artists, for the Artists

Cara is a social media to share your art works and connect with the Art community around the world. The Artists can easily showcase their self designed art works on Cara network.

The main reason why artists choose this new social platform is that the Cara only accepts authentic Arts and original creatives from creators. Cara filter and avoids AI generated works from their platform. This helps original artists and creators to showcase their work with their true fans and art community.

How Cara Community helps Artists?

With the help of latest technology, we can see more AI generated contents and works in different places. This makes real art workers to struggle in their work and has become thread to their Art job.

It is necessary to differentiate AI generated Artworks and humanly made creations. Otherwise this computer generator art works will erase real Artists. Using Cara, The Art workers and their clients can easily communicate through for generating their ideas and create their desired unique art forms. The User can can follow any Artists to get latest updates from them. Cara helps users to get updated with latest events and follow ups from the Artists.

In Cara the Artists can showcase different art forms of Images, Gifs and Videos. The portfolio can be added with 3D models by sharing Sketchfab links. The users can connect with artists in Cara community and can support them by liking, commenting and sharing these Arts to other social media platforms. The Artist can collaborate with other artists and join groups sharing similar interests and collaborate together.

Posting on Cara – Portfolio Profile and Community Profile

There are two types of account in Cara. Once you get started with Cara account, you account will be on community profile stage. After your account gets verified, you will be upgraded to portfolio profile. This gives a verified badge on your profile.

The portfolio profile user can also invite other community members to join and upgrade to portfolio profile level.

The Cara profile have two options for posting on their network. Whatever you post or share other’s post on your profile, it will comes under ‘Timeline section’ on your profile. The second one is ‘Portfolio section’ where you can choose what to be showed on your Portfolio. In short the Portfolio is separate section where you can highlight your selected posts. For adding posts to the Portfolio section, you can choose the ‘portfolio option’ while you posting anything.

Cara App for Apple devices – AppStore
Cara App for Android devices – PlayStore

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