The “One Chip Challenge” is a viral social media trend in which people attempt to eat a spicy tortilla chip that is flavored with the Carolina Reaper pepper, one of the hottest peppers […]
Have you ever thought of having your own social media controlled by you? Damus brings you that through open internet protocols which helps you to have the full control over your content. In […]
Sad Face Filter or Crying Face Filter gives a way to make sad look on your face without having sad emotion on real. This filter uses AI to make the face more to […]
The News UK have introduced new channel Talk TV channel which will broadcast News bulletin, Debates, Current affairs, Interviews and other Entertainment Programs. It includes contents from News UK brands and shows from […]
CounterSocial is a latest Social Media Platform for people who needs more trusted posts and avoid unnecessary adverts from their screen. It blocks access to their site for certain countries to avoid bots […]
AMC is a TV steaming subscription to watch latest TV programs, Shows, Movies and Episodes. Most of the cable operators and satellite AMC is already included. So you can easily sign into AMC […]