OLX is a free classified listing where you can buy or sell products and show service Ads. The products in OLX and it’s details can be seen without an account. But after the registration only, you can contact the seller for making an offer or to know more details about the listing.
OLX for Buyers
In OLX, you can find a product by using search option or through browsing the category. By enabling location you can find the items that are nearer to you. Once you see a product, you only need to click the item for viewing more details of the listing.
If you want to search items that are nearer to a particular location, you can do that by changing current location and manually enter the desired location. It will then show the results that are available from the location we choose. By tapping on heart icon given on the description page, it will be added to your favorite list and you can easily access those product or service later from favorites list.
You can know every details of the listing through chat. It is possible to share location, voice message, Image etc through the chat box. In OLX, you can easily follow a seller to watch their upcoming listing and updates. For this, you need to visit their profile and tap on the Follow button.
The OLX gives a verified badge for users who verified their documents with OLX. You can trust verified sellers than unverified sellers. This is because, if you have incurred any bad experience from the verified seller, you can give complaint against the seller and OLX will share the personal details of the seller to the authorities.
Based on your interest you will receive personalized recommendations and alerts from OLX. If you are not interested in this, you can turn this off from the settings.
OLX for Sellers
By using OLX platform, you can sell new, used, refurbished items and services. You can use OLX platform for your personal or business use.
How to Post a listing on OLX
- Tap on Sell button on OLX website or application.
- Select a category for your product or service.
- Provide details like title, description, Image etc.
- Set the desired price and Add location.
- That’s it, your listing Ad will posted to OLX after the review.
The Ads you post can be viewed from ‘My Ads’ section. There is a monthly limitation for posting Ads in OLX where the limit is different for each category which can be seen from their website. To get more reach for your listing, OLX offers paid services like ‘featured Ad’ or ‘boost to top’ options. By choosing any of these plan, your Ad will get more visibility and responses.
Another way to get more users and sales is to make the Profile verified. The verified accounts are trusted by buyers and likely to get more interactions. Giving every important details in the description and instant reply to buyer’s messages, your service can be improved and more users will be attracted to your listing.
The eye icon count given at the product description page will show how many people have already seen the advertisement and the heart icon count shows how many people have added that listing to their favorites.
The Seller needs to compel with OLX terms and conditions and needs to know what are allowed and what are not allowed to sell through OLX platform.